Wednesday, July 24, 2013


Dear Readers,

My sincerest apologies about my ventures. The day in which I was supposed to go on that incredible journey there happened a series of events most unfortunate. I cannot relay them all while still remaining even partially professional, so I won't. However, I will tell you my trip has been postponed. Meanwhile, a blossoming friendship with a guy named Allan is sure to bring me some new opportunities for adventure. Also, there is a gym here, CrossFit Las Cruces (here is their blog and I am trying to get a free introductory class there. I'm very excited to possibly die. Music in the Park is ending soon, and I promise, readers, that I will go to one before it ends. Even if I have to listen to Mariachi music. I will report to you! This missing post will be avenged!

Lastly, I would like to report an interesting thing about Las Cruces. As a resident and new driver in Las Cruces, let me tell you a little bit about driving conditions. Year round, it can be expected to be hot enough to cook an egg on the side walk. We don't get very much snow, and if this is any indication of the experience of Las Cruces drivers in snow, we close schools for the appearance of one inch. That's right, a 1 in snow day. There is also a few weeks at this time of year that we call our "Monsoon Season," and with very good reason. Nearly every day, it will rain-hard-for about twenty minutes or so followed by lighter sprinkling. Roads become flooded quickly and driving conditions are dangerous. No one who lives here seems to have the common sense to driver slower, avoid puddles, or start braking sooner. Word of caution: drivers are not the best here. I will admit, it isn't as bad as Texas drivers; though, be careful. Many people drive without insurance and will hit and run shamelessly. Roads can also be really confusing in Las Cruces, as some change suddenly into a new road. Very few of the roads are numerical, and feature names like Rinconada, or Bataan Memorial. So getting around is difficult and obviously perilous. No need to fear, though, because as long as you obey driving laws and act as a safe driver, you are sure to be safe on your trip. You really do not want to be caught without a car in Las Cruces, especially without air conditioning. It is hot one moment, and then suddenly it is raining cats and chihuahuas outside (still very hot).

That is all for now, so please, go and enjoy the summer heat.

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